Spirit Soother Herbal Potion
Spirit Soother is a flower essence blend handcrafted in the Mojave Desert. This blend of Sonoran and Mojave cacti & wildflowers encourages grounding and integration through bringing one back into their body and creating a sense of calm. You can use this formula when feeling emotionally unstable, erratic, depressed, or cracked open and psychically sensitive.
Note from Darby: I use this every day as a go-to pick-me-up. Life can be so busy, hectic, and overwhelming. Spirit Soother is here to remind you to breathe, be present, and enjoy life.
made of essences: ocotillo, buffalo gourd, desert anemone, pink globe mallow in brandy
How to use: Drop 3 drops under your tongue or in your favorite drink as needed.
These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product does not intend to treat, diagnose, cure, or prevent any disease.